A major utility in the western United States manages a wide range of high voltage circuit breakers in their substations. Circuit breakers including oil, SF6, and vacuum types from various manufacturers are employed throughout their network of substations. Each circuit breaker type presents unique monitoring needs, making it challenging for the utility’s teams to streamline installation, training, and maintenance programs.
When the utility decided to add smart technology to its substation asset monitoring and maintenance practices, it knew it needed to find a circuit breaker monitoring solution that could be used on all its circuit breakers. Seeking a streamlined solution, the utility needed a universal monitoring system compatible with all circuit breaker types, voltages, and manufacturers. They aimed to simplify team training, improve maintenance practices, and reduce the complexities of handling multiple systems from different manufacturers.
The INCON® Optimizer3 Circuit Breaker Monitor from Franklin Electric provided this utility with a unified monitoring solution, enabling them to monitor all circuit breaker assets with a single system, regardless of manufacturer. By adopting the Optimizer3, the utility eliminated the need for training on multiple systems, simplifying knowledge transfer and coordination across its substation teams.
Provide a full assessment of a circuit breaker’s health
Monitor both mechanical and electrical performance
Deliver highly accurate mechanism timing monitoring
Estimate interrupter condition from internal arcing
Monitor SF6 gas attributes for regulatory reporting
Monitor the status of circuit breaker auxiliary systems
To further support their installation goals, the utility leveraged several time-saving measures:
Factory Installation: All of their major circuit breaker manufacturers agreed to pre-install the Optimizer3 to the utility’s specifications, making installation more efficient for new circuit breakers.
Prefabricated Cabinets: For retrofit installations, the Optimzer3 pre-wired cabinets allowed for rapid deployment, helping substation teams complete installations with minimal onsite setup.
The INCON® Optimizer3 has transformed the utility’s approach to circuit breaker monitoring, providing a scalable solution that grows with their infrastructure needs. By leveraging proactive, exception-based management, the utility has empowered its teams to focus on strategic maintenance, enhancing reliability across their network while controlling costs. High-level circuit breaker operational insights delivered remotely via the Optimizer3 enable a more resilient, forward-thinking approach to asset management – helping the utility stay ahead in a rapidly evolving energy landscape.
The INCON® Optimizer3 Circuit Breaker Monitor is an online continuous performance monitor for high voltage circuit breakers, designed to facilitate condition-based maintenance with real-time performance and health data. The Optimizer3 is ideal for high-voltage, live or dead-tank, oil, vacuum or gas circuit breakers.
The Optimizer3 pre-assembled cabinet offers a turnkey comprehensive circuit breaker monitoring solution for rapid deployment. With configurable options available to suit specific application and monitoring needs, the Optimizer3 cabinet comes with all components, sensors, and accessories pre-mounted, pre-wired, and factory tested for streamlined installation.